How Homebid works
The council or a housing association does not choose a home for you. Instead, you choose which home you would like to be considered for using Homebid. Properties are advertised every Friday at 8.00am. You may place bids up until the following Tuesday at 8.00am when bidding closes.
Step 1
Membership and registration
Not everyone can join Homebid. You are automatically a member of Homebid if you are accepted by Southampton City Council for rehousing. Only eligible and qualifying applicants are accepted.
For further information on who can join Homebid, visit this page: Join the Housing Register (
Once you have been accepted onto Homebid, we will:
• Write to you giving you a Homebid number
• Tell you your eligibility date
• Tell you your applicant category
• Tell you how many points you have
• Tell you the size and type of property you are eligible for
Step 2
Choice and bidding
You should make bids in order of preference, so the first bid is the one you like most, the 2nd bid will be your 2nd choice, etc. If you make a mistake or change your mind about the order of preference, you can change this yourself whilst bidding is still open.
You can bid in two ways:
1. On the web
Via this website. Log on with your unique Homebid
number and 6 digit PIN
2. Download the app
Android device or apple device – Home Connections- choice based lettings app
Which properties can I bid for?
• Your applicant category and the size and type of property that you are eligible for is determined by your assessed need.
• This is indicated to you in the letter you receive when accepted onto Homebid.
• On occasions to help families who are overcrowded you may be able to bid for properties with one bedroom less than you are eligible for.
For example: a family with 2 children and a baby living in a 1 bedroom flat, may benefit moving to a 2 bedroom property, although they are eligible for a 3 bedrooms.
When your housing application was accepted, Southampton City Council will have sent you a letter detailing what type/size of property you are eligible for. You will be advised of your applicant category:
H- Homeseekers (applicants who are Homeless)
R- Register (applicants on the housing register)
T- Transfer (council tenants who need to move)
You must only bid for properties that you are eligible for.
• Most applicants can be considered for general needs flats and maisonettes.
• Specific criteria must be met in order to qualify for houses, older person’s accommodation and ground floor accommodation
• The property advert will explain who can bid for each property. Please make sure you read the advert in full- otherwise you may waste your bid.
Some examples of our adverts:
If there are any changes to your household, or housing situation, you must tell the Allocations Advice Line at the council. This is very important as it may change your points, or your eligibility for certain homes.
To do this, or for further advice, call 023 80833006 or email [email protected]